International at all levels
The Open University Coordination, Innovation Educational and Distance Education(CUAIEED) is UNAM’s area responsible for promoting distance education through research, innovation, development of pedagogical models and the use of technology.
It assists various schools and UNAM to offer their educational contents in distance learning with high quality which characterizes this university, so that its benefits reach more people in more places.
It also trains excellent human resources to meet the new distance educational offerings and do research, development and innovation on pedagogical models in technology-mediated environments.
The Directorate of Distance High School (DBD) is part of the Coordination of Open and Distance Education of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. As part of its activities, in 2007 the DBD developed and put into operation High School Distance Program B@UNAM, with the fundamental purpose that Mexicans and other Spanish speakers who live outside of Mexico can pursue their middle studies in their language.
B@UNAM is a quality, complete, updated high school and meets all the social functions of this level (preparation for life, for work and for higher education), taking full advantage of the online mode to promote student’s skills and meaningful learning, contextualized and relevant to today’s world.
B@UNAM’s team is comprised of academic and operational coordinators, subject responsible, mentors and advisors, content designers, instructional and multimedia designers, technologists and administrative staff.
Originally, the Open University System was conceived as an integral part of the proposed university reform driven by Dr. Pablo González Casanova, in the early seventies, as a flexible and innovative educational option in their teaching methodologies and evaluation knowledge, quality criteria and regulated by an approved by the University Council on February 25, 1972 Statute, and by a regulation adopted on December 2, 1997, both as amended on March 27, 2009 with this flexible system, independent study was encouraged, and allowed the obstacles of time, place, age, work, etc., which prevented anyone covering admission requirements could opt for a college degree were eliminated.
What is the SUAyED?
Currently, the Open and Distance Education System (SUAyED) is made up of an Advisory Council, schools, centers, institutes and offices that offer academic programs, and the CUAIEED; and with the amendments to the Statute and Regulations approved in March 2009, provides that “the Open and Education University Distance System UNAM is intended to extend the upper secondary and higher education to large segments of the population, through theoretical and practical methods of transmission and evaluation of knowledge and create learning groups working within or outside the university campi and promote the integration of information technology and communication educational processes.”
Currently the SUAyED offers high school and bachelor programs, postgraduate and continuing education, both in the form open and distance learning in schools and colleges located on the campus of University City and the metropolitan area of Mexico City and other states of the Mexican Republic.
In the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) continuous education began formally in July 1971, when, in the School of Engineering, the first Center for Continuing Education was founded. Since then, continuing education at UNAM has been organized and coordinated in different ways and by different structures, always depending on contexts and needs for which the University has passed.
Over five decades, continuing education has acquired different nuances; among them, it has been assumed as a complementary activity to university work, or as a source of extraordinary resources exclusively. From these core ideas articulated to the “Guidelines for the development of an academic proposal for the period 2007-2011”, the CUAED considers it necessary to give new impetus to the Continuous Education Network UNAM (REDEC).